Landlord Safety Inspections
in Milton Keynes
As a landlord, you are responsible for the accommodation you rent out. It is your responsibility to ensure that it is safe and habitable. Let AC Electrical (MK) Ltd help you to tick another box off your checklist.

What will I get from AC Electrical (MK) Ltd?
You will receive a site visit from AC Electrical (MK) Ltd, where we will inspect and test all of your electrical installations, including any appliances you intend on allowing your tenants to access. We will then issue you with a landlord safety certificate to represent that you are leasing an electrically safe environment to your tenants.
Properties that do not have current up to date test certification may be subject to insurance invalidation – meaning that if anything was to happen to your properties you would not be covered by your insurance company.
Contact us on 01908 965 005 for more information.